Where It All Began
Above is an image that shows where the Danes invaded, and which century it occurred in. The Viking Ages lasted from late 8th century A.D. through late 11th century A.D. (793 - 1066) Below is a comic also naming the locations as well as the dates of the Danish Invasions.
I take no credit for any images presented on this page, all credit is due to their artists, and I have cited where I have gotten the images from on my citations page.
Hello, I am a Charter School student from Butternut Wisconsin, self-learning German from Duolingo. My fascination with the German language started when I was learning the history of World War II. The Schutzstaffel fascinated me because I discovered history was more than black and white at the time. That is a very important thing to understand as a historian. Nothing is ever black and white. History is written by the winners, and the losers can only pass their side on with deep anger through the generations.
But now, let's get to the happy parts of the project. This project took me a long time, especially to find information on the early German tribes. Their history was not written down. So, we will go to a time when more was written. To the left of this text box is an image with red and green lands. The green territory is where the German tribes were believed to be located, for the most part. The red area is the Roman Empire. The Romans and the Germans were at war with each other for as long as their borders made contact with each other. When Rome was conquered, the Germans occupied territory from different parts of the Empire. There were around twelve new kingdoms that formed from the fall of Western Rome. The Eastern Roman Empire was preserved as the Byzantine Empire but in the West, ten East Germanic Kingdoms formed, as shown below.
A more prominent time in German history, though not entirely part of its territory, is the Danes. Also known as Vikings, the Danes hailed from Denmark. The Vikings raided villages, seized land, and killed in the name of the Old Gods (ie. Thor, Odin, Loki, Hel, etc.) They spoke Old Norse and wrote in Nordic Runes. The Danes conquered most of England and Scotland but were finally stopped by Alfred of Wessex, and allowed them to rule Northern and Eastern England. They were eventually converted to Christianity, and a new age started from this event.